


Miros dulce, miros de păpădie,

Tu ești ca un briz de melodie.

Sărutul tău pe obraz ușor adie,

Esti al meu dintr-o o mie.

Atunci când stelele strălucesc

Buzele mele cu ale tale se topesc.

Fericirea mea ești tu,

Lângă tine eu infloresc.


Ziua trece, noaptea vine, 

Iar tu pleci și azi și mâine.

Singură rămân pe astă lume,

Cine o să mă mai îndrume?

Noaptea îi aud ai tăi pași,

Vii la perna mea, și îmi lași,

Un gând de noapte bună și sărut pe obraji.

De ce pleci mamă, de ce mă lași?

Mai rămâi o viață , încă una,

Să mă vezi mireasă și să-mi ții cununa.

Te-am visat azi noapte zâmbind,

Și pe flori de primăvară călcând.

Soarele și luna îți vor fi prieteni,

Iar tu,  Stea… îmi vei sta de veghe.

My stary dream


Look to the stars and dream,
Look to the moon and scream.
Scream hard as you can,
So you could be heard.
Don’t say sweet words,
I feel like a knife in my chords.
Let me look into your eyes,
Let me try your bitter lies.
Tidy moon on the sky,
And I dream with open eyes.
Dream to a better life,
Where you hold me tight.
Hold my hand and don’t let me go,
Don’t wanna walk alone.
Moonlight is sparkling in my face,
I feel like I fly in space.
Going back to past,
Memories covered with the dust.

Above the sky

Open your wings way up high
Let me fly above the sky
Falling in the river flow
Touching the painful glow.
Frozen times go by.
Release me by my pains
Loving your body flames
You like to see me smiling
But You don’t see…I’m dying.
I burn myself with your fooly games
I get dirty by my bloody stains.
Keep flying above the sky
Keep feeling the burning lies.
Don’t… Don’t touch my broken wings
I won’t eat your foxy tricks.
Let’s fly up high in the sky
Frozen times go by. .


Posted from WordPress for Android

Heart – Beating.

Silent leaf on the ground,
Feel the beat and the sound.
Sun with his rays – burning
Heart with the blood – bursting.

My heart is beating through my veins,
Your thoughts are rising in the rains.
Let me see your smile again
Letting the drops melt in the rain.

Let’s freeze the moment with a breeze,
Let’s seal the memory with a kiss.
Don’t waste our time by cheating,
‘Cause my heart will stop beating.


Posted from WordPress for Android

Bumerangul vietii

Sunt oameni pe fata pamantului patetici..fara un gram de noblete si puritate si sinceritate..Sunt oameni calcati in picioare, oameni carora le-au fost calcat de o mie de ori sufletul. Sunt oameni care au fost respinsi si au hotarit sa se razbune, pricinuind rau celui care i-a respins. Oameni care cred  ca pot dobori pe cineva vorbind de rau pe la spate, si oameni care au fost doboriti de acei oameni, dar care totusi au hotarit sa se ridice si sa mearga inainte. Oricare lovitura primita in spate, e un motiv pentru a deveni un om mai bun si mai nobel nepasand de cei care vor sa ii doboare. Capul sus, cu mandrie, pas cu pas, si lumea care merita sa fie alaturi de tine, sunt acei care cred in tine. Oameni buni, aveti grija ce prostii, vorbele rele si mincinoase ziceti la furie si atunci cand vii calcata mandria, pentru ca acele cuvinte poate sa distruga linistea interioara si demnitatea unui om nobel. Si tot in lumea asta ce se face cu rau sau bine se intoarce ca bumerangul.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Let me fall…

Let me fall into your hands,
Let me walk gently in the sands.
Let me be the one who fall,
Silently in your hands by default.

My soul is singing in the night,
And you turned off the light.
The night is becoming colder,
And I fall asleep on your shoulder.

Just look into my sparkling eyes,
And don’t try me with your sweet lies.
I feel the happiness in your heart,
Darling , let me stay by your side.

When I look to the stars,
I can feel my hidden scars.
When sun kisses me in my sleepy days
I feel lost in a maze.


Posted from WordPress for Android

Inner Beauty

In our days it’s hard to have someone in your life who will look into your eyes and will understand what kind of person are you. Who will understand you better than anyone else.
Try to find a person who will see your inner beauty and will fall in love with it. Try to find a person who will love your smile, your eyes, who will love the smell of your hair. Try to find a person who will believe in you. The real YOU.
Try to find a person who will support you in the hardiest moments and will advice you when you are confused.
Try to find a person who will know what’s going on in your heart, even when you say that everything’s ok. Try to find a person who will cheer you up when you’re sad. Try to find a person who will talk with you when he is confused. Try to find a person who will trust in you and your feelings and will let you in into his heart and mind.
Try to find a person for a two sided and real LOVE.

Posted from WordPress for Android